"A small tribe of river-side kobolds are under attack by a rampaging group of underground kobolds! This underground, burrowing tribe believes that any kobolds living above ground are inferior and unfit to thrive. And so, they want to destroy all surface-dwelling homes in their path.

You,  Zarges, are a draconic guardian from the arcane realms. Upset by this threat upon the vulnerable, you will take matters into your own hands and defend them.

Despite your looming and powerful presence, the burrowing kobolds are confident in their attack. Prove them foolish!"

Did the best I could to bring this project to fruition for the 12 days of the Gamedev.js Game Jam period. It's not really complete, but it's  functional!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Dragons, Fantasy, Hand-drawn, kobolds, minigames, Monsters, My First Game Jam, One-page, whack-a-mole

Development log

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